A great workplace goes beyond the office. Open, active and innovative, AIPL signature is a living, breathing ecosystem that will bring future of business and community together.

Aipl Signature office space in gurgaon
aipl signature facade icon

Smart Facade

An intelligent double skin glass facade that protects the building from the sun's heat and reduce air-conditioning cost keeping you comfortable as you work while enjoying plentiful natural light and green views.

aipl Signature elevator icon

High Speed Elevators

Efficient, strategically placed high speed elevators guarantee a high level of service and very low waiting time.

aipl signature liht icon

Maximum Natural Light

By turning the footprint on its axis, the design here maximizes the flow of natural light inside, so every floor is refreshingly lit up, minimizing the use of artificial light.

aipl signature sound proof icon

Sound Proof Glass

To keep distractions away, high performance double glazing helps cut sound transmission and ensures that the workplace is quiet.

aipl signature floor layout icon

Flexible Floor Layout

The structural design of the building reduces the total number of columns in each space, providing flexibility for layouts.


The terrace garden on 3rd floor of AIPL Signature is a planted shelter that acts as a gathering or event space. This landscape is energized by lounge decks, arcade games that in turn energized by a collaborative seating for a perfect break away from work.

aipl signature amenities
Table Tennis
aipl signature amenities
Foos Ball
aipl signature amenities
Live Screen
aipl signature amenities
Lounge Deck
aipl signature amenities
Event Space