Building Green
Day Lighting
55% of the regularly occupied spaces are naturally day lit, offsetting the use of artificial lights
Energy Saving
Automatic timer controls 100% of the outdoor lighting system
Indoor Water Use Reduction
Water Efficient low-flow fixtures to reduce the potable water use
Solar Photovoltaic Cells
Solar Panels installed as per norms reducing the use of conventional / fossil-fuel based energy resources
Waste Water Reuse
Sewage Treatment Plant on site treating 100% of the waste water generated on site and reused for landscaping, flushing etc
Heat Island Reduction
Paving materials used to reduce heat island and locating most of the parking underground
Organic Water Converter
To treat organic waste generated on site
Energy Conservation
Use of less energy-intensive material- AAC blocks to replace a part of energy intensive materials
Storm Water Management
RWH pits to recharge ground water table
Waste Segregation
Waste segregation at the source for efficient resource recovery
Electric Car Charging
Car charging points provided as per norms
International Quality Facade
Double pane glass for energy efficiency, noise and heat insulation